Tank Maintenance
We can assist with customizing and maintaining the look of your new or existing aquarium! If this is your first aquarium or one you'd like to upgrade, we would be happy to provide a free quote and suggestions for creating a unique look for your aquascape. Plant selection, rockery, and different colors of gravel can make your aquascape the focal point of the room. Our years of experience also allow us to guide customers in selecting varieties of fish that will cohabit well together.
Our maintenance program includes a variety of products and services. For example, typical monthly maintenance for an aquarium would include:
• Bi-weekly visits
• Cleaning/rotation of aquatic decorations (photos on our website show examples of coral, plants, rocks, and shells that we provide to our customers)
• Gravel-vac water change
• Water chemistry testing (e.g. PH, alkalinity, nitrates/nitrites, ammonia, salinity)
• Supplying of fish, food products (freeze-dried or frozen as appropriate), and equipment as needed
Please note:
Prices start at $150/mo for fresh water aquariums and $185/mo for salt water; for tanks over 100 gallons, the additional cost is 50 cents per gallon. New contracts require 3 months paid in advance.